Over thirty years of Teaching and Performing 

Originally from Bolton, Lancashire, Christine has adopted Bournemouth as her second home.
She settled here in 1993 to start a teaching career alongside performing and raising a family.

Christine has a wealth of performing experience touring the world as a professional singer; pianist; bandleader and arranger  in five star hotels and cruise ships including the QE2.

Christine has been teaching music for more than thirty years. She has a well-equipped music room which also has recording facilities.

Christine is experienced in teaching pupils from the very young to the retired, whether it is for pleasure or professional training. Students have the opportunity of taking ABRSM exam grades from Preparatory Level to Diploma in ABRSM exams or LCM Musical  Theatre.

As well as private tuition, Christine was part of the Performing Arts Team at Brockenhurst College as a Vocal Coach and Piano Teacher from 1997 to 2021.
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